How Do You Overcome Life Challenges And Step Into The Destiny God Has For You?Majority of individuals are bound by their past trauma whatever that may be because of guilt, shame, and embarrassment. Walking around for decades with baggage and adding more layers to their pain. To the point many have self-medicated with substance abuse, physical abuse, retail therapy, and a false sense of identity. Many years ago, I used to think and feel the same way until I was able to uncover a power within that turned things around for me and made me feel satisfied and whole. My strength to win and overcome daily challenges is because of the power in me. This Book Is For You If: * You struggle to uncover your true value.* You feel like no one else understands you but yourself.* You struggle with facing the truth and doing the work from within.* You want better not just for yourself but your family bloodline.* You feel stuck with your life and in need of clarity for the next level.In this book I have revealed my soul in 12 chapters on my life’s journey. This will help you to look within yourself and know you’re not alone. Begin your healing process now that you have a tool (this book) on where to begin. Just know you have a destiny to fulfill and there are others like you needing what you have to set the captives free. Take action today!